Keywords: management, managerial decisions, digitalization, digital economy, factors of digitalization, benefits from digitalization


This article identifies and summarizes the characteristic features of the digital economy in management. The content of digitalization is revealed. It has been established that the introduction of the digital economy in Ukraine is constantly growing. The positive impact of digitalization on the socio-economic system and the key factors of digitalization are considered. It is argued that digital technologies are rapidly changing our economy and society. The digital revolution is a huge opportunity for society and will be one of the strongest drivers of growth, job creation and wealth in the coming years. Digitalization is a strategic investment of both states and enterprises aimed at stimulating development by increasing efficiency and productivity and generating significant savings. In all branches of activity and at all stages of management, a managerial decision is understood as the key type of activity of a manager. The development and implementation of the specified solution demonstrates the essence and content of management. The digital transformation of the public administration economy occurs mainly through the use of electronic channels of interaction, which makes it possible to reduce transaction costs. The advantages of digitalization of the real sector of the economy are substantiated, since the competitive positions of domestic enterprises are strengthened by increasing labor productivity, management efficiency, accelerated automation of production processes, production safety and increasing the attractiveness of the domestic economy for investment. The study also describes the benefits of digitalization of society and emphasizes that the end consumers and users of digital products and services are the population. The idea of digital transformation has embraced the whole world, digitalization is one of the most popular topics for discussion at all levels of management, but this is far from a new concept, discussion on this issue has been going on for several decades. Despite this, in the scientific field and the business community, a stable understanding of the essence and content of the term "digitalization" as a modern trend in management development has not yet been formed.


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