The article is devoted to the urgency of security for the formation of each society, the globalization of security issues is still relevant, in particular today, forcing each state to work primarily to ensure national security. It is emphasized that the unstable economy, political conflicts, environmental degradation on a global scale, depletion of resources, violations of human rights and freedoms, global epidemics, and pandemics make the issue of food security of particular relevance. It is emphasized that food security should be the most important, fundamental, and high-quality component of the country's national security. Food security ensures the economic development of the state, alleviates social tensions in society, quality and safe food will help to reduce the morbidity of Ukrainians. The multi-vector approaches to the interpretation of the concept of the economic category "food security" and the diversity of approaches to the principles of food security are defined. Based on scientific researches made by Ukrainian and foreign scientists, the basic principles of food safety classification are generalized. As the main principles of food security, they indicate the following: quality and safety of food, economic and physical accessibility, self-sufficiency, information support. It is emphasized that to ensure stable food security at all levels, a system of indicators for assessing its level, approved at the legislative level and maximally integrated with the system of indicators of leading countries, is needed. The urgency of developing a system of special indicators for an objective assessment of the country's food security becomes especially relevant in modern conditions when the global pandemic has made its adjustments to the formation of national food security, including the need to maintain it at an optimal level. It is noted that the impact of the pandemic on the food system allows to systematically identify various burdens on food security, which can be presented by four parameters, namely: availability, access, use, and stability.
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