Keywords: budget programs, evaluation, criteria, methodology, results, objectivity


The article examines the problem of comprehensive evaluation of budget programs in Ukraine, developed recommendations aimed at evaluating their implementation in 2016-2020. The urgency of the problem considered in the article is determined by the fact that a comprehensive assessment of budget programs provides an opportunity to get an idea of how budget programs meet the conditions and needs of socio-economic development, how effective budget management is efficient, rational and economically sound. At the same time, systematic evaluation of budget programs is an important tool for determining the effectiveness of public policy in a particular area of government. In addition, based on the results of such a systematic assessment, measures can be proposed to improve the management of the budget program implementation process. These arguments determine the relevance of the topic of this article, as well as explain the fact that this problem has attracted the attention of domestic scientists such as J. Belets, OO Doroshenko, OI Zhadan, N.G. Zdyrko, J. Kovalenko and foreign researchers: Bartle J. R., Gilmore J. B., Miller J. J., Hildret W. B., Rabin J., Piacock S., Rabin I.S. etc. At the same time, despite the fact that the problem of comprehensive evaluation of budget programs is considered quite actively, world and domestic science has not yet created a common methodology for evaluation, which requires further research in this area of public administration. Existing approaches do not allow such an assessment to be comprehensive and objective, respectively, in the article the author proposes his own method of assessing the state of budget programs in Ukraine, gives an example of such an assessment for the period from 2016 to 2020. The proposed approach makes it possible to assess the state of budget programs based on publicly available data, using well-known procedures of expert evaluation and independent analytical work of the expert, without resorting to complex analytical procedures and mathematical calculations. Thus, the purpose of this article is to study the problem of comprehensive evaluation of budget programs in Ukraine, to develop recommendations aimed at evaluating their implementation in 2016-2020.


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How to Cite
Bedrynets, M., & Ogiichuk, Y. (2021). EVALUATION OF BUDGET PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION IN UKRAINE FOR 2016-2020. Economy and Society, (33). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-33-14