Keywords: innovations, innovative development, business enterprise, strategy, competitiveness, competitiveness management


The article is devoted to the research of theoretical and methodological aspects of innovative development of the business enterprise in the context of determining the role and importance of innovation as part of the strategy of managing the competitiveness of the business enterprise. The essence and characteristics of innovations as an economic category are studied. Emphasis is placed on the contradictions in the innovative development of the state, which is that Ukraine has significant innovation potential, but the presence of imperfect existing governance mechanisms and economic structures does not contribute to the use of existing innovation potential in sufficient quantities. Conceptual approaches to managing the competitiveness of an economic enterprise are systematized, generalized and grouped. The basic principles of formation of strategies of management of competitiveness of the economic entity are resulted and their characteristic features are considered. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the development of strategies for managing the competitiveness of the enterprise involves defining and formulating strategic goals that serve as a starting point for selecting and developing an adequate strategy and are determined along with analyzing the internal environment of the entity in shaping its competitive behavior. market. It is established that special attention should be paid to assessing the innovative capabilities of the business entity to develop certain types of innovations. The main tasks that are solved in the process of developing competitiveness strategies using the innovation component are considered. The systematization of approaches to the formation and implementation of the strategy of managing the competitiveness of the business enterprise, taking into account the implementation of the innovation component. Emphasis is placed on the fact that in modern conditions there is no single model of strategy for managing the competitiveness of the enterprise, nor a universal approach to developing such a strategy. It is stated that the choice of adequate to modern conditions strategy for managing the competitiveness of the business enterprise depends largely on the available experience of its innovative activities and opportunities for practical use of the results of such activities.


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