The works of foreign and domestic scientists who investigated the problems of risks were investigated. Investigated that reliability is one of the principles of logistics. The main goal of logistics is to minimize costs, therefore it is necessary to pay due attention to risk managemen. It has been found that the logistic system of the enterprise is an economic system consisting of coordinated subsystems and elements that perform logistic functions (operations) and combined with the purpose of goals, interests. The classification of external and internal risks of the enterprise has been carried out, the logistics risks of the enterprise are outlined. Investigated that the risks in logistics are deviations from established goals, expected results, as a result of violation of the dynamic stability of the enterprise logistics system to achieve an optimal economic effect. The logistic risks that may occur in the supply chain are investigated. It is fled that under the notion of "logistic risks" understood the risks of carrying out transportation, storage, cargo processing and inventory management, as well as the risks of administration of all levels, including the risk of managerial nature arising during logistics functions and operations in supply chains.The causes of the "Bull whip effect" in the supply chains are identified and its negative consequences for the enterprise are analyzed and it is determined that the "Bull whip effect" is a situation in which minor changes in the demand of the final consumer lead to significant deviations in the planning of inventories and production in other participants of the supply chain. Investigated that marketing and logistics are links that are closely interconnect and that a skillful combination of marketing and logistics will allow the rapid and rational decisions to ensure effective interaction between the domestic and external environment. Investigated the necessity of integration of marketing and logistics tools in order to optimize the functioning of supply chains by optimizing the portfolio of brands is updated. Methods of mathematical programming are used to form an optimal investment program PJSC "Carlsberg Ukraine".
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