Keywords: international financial relations, reinsurance market, reinsurance, insurance companies, reinsurers, reinsurer nonresident


The article is devoted to the definition of theoretical and practical aspects of the reinsurance market and prospects for its integration into the global reinsurance market. A research of financial and economic relations between the participants of reinsurance process is carried out. The main approaches to the definition of "reinsurance market" are described. The essence of international financial relations in the reinsurance market is defined. The list of normative legal acts regulating the process of reinsurance with a non-resident insurer (reinsurer) on the domestic reinsurance market is indicated. The growth of global reinsurance capital, its structural changes and main trends of the international insurance market are analyzed. The factors of formation of the basic reinsurance capital are allocated. The basic profitability and weighted average cost of reinsurers capital as well as the dynamics of reported combined ratio, underlying combined ratio, accident year combined ratio during recent years are analyzed. The negative impact of the pandemic for the financial results of the international insurance market and the corresponding changes that affected the reinsurers of the European Economic Area are outlined. The comparison of categories of reinsurance of risky types of insurance and life reinsurance are committed, and also the factors of growth of reinsurance premiums, in particular transfer of a part of risks for the purpose of preservation of level of solvency are defined. The main indicators of activity of insurance companies of Ukraine are estimated and their necessity in reinsurance protection is established. Prospects for the development of international financial relations in the foreign reinsurance market and the main risks that may arise in the future are outlined. The dangers of national insurance companies caused by changes in international financial relations in the field of reinsurance are outlined.


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How to Cite
Izhevskyi, P., Krushynska, A., & Samaricheva, T. (2021). PECULIARITIES OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL RELATIONS IN THE REINSURANCE MARKET IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (32).