Keywords: local development, partnership, communities, government, business, ABCD theory


The goal of the article is to conduct a theoretical analysis of the main scientific approaches to the study of local development and effective functioning of communities on the basis of partnership. The research is based on the method of qualitative analysis, according to which the analysis of basic scientific concepts of local development was conducted, in particular: spatial theories and placement theories; theories of cumulative growth; theory of productivity of factors of production; theory of local resource base; theory of export base; institutional theories; theory of social welfare; theories of inclusive development etc. It is determined that local economic development is directly related to the activities and interconnected functioning of government, business and community, so its effectiveness should be considered in the context of partnerships of these entities. The analysis showed that the main theories that reflect the importance of economic and also the territorial, social and cultural aspects in building partnerships are theories of social capital, network economies and community leadership, which complement the theory of "Asset-Based Community Development" (ABCD theory), which is a basic scientific theory of local development in the context of partnership in communities. According to ABCD theory, one of the main challenges for communities and successful local development is building and restructuring the relationships between residents, local associations and various local institutions. The ABCD theory includes six main types of assets that can be mobilized in communities: skills and abilities of individuals within the community; voluntary organizations and community networks; government, businesses and non-governmental organizations; community functioning environment; formal and informal institutions of local economic development; socio-cultural and historical aspects of community functioning.


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