The purpose of scientific research is to study the trends and tendencies of marketing audit of web resources in search networks. Companies that develop business on the Internet need to constantly analyze the quality of their web resources, evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, monitor consumer behavior in the online environment. The best solution to this problem is to conduct a marketing audit of web resources, which should be focused on current trends and forecasts for the future, which determines the relevance of the study. The methodological basis of the article are digital marketing trends. We used the following scientific research methods: deductive analysis, synthesis, tabular and graphical modeling. The article examines the trends and tendencies of marketing audit of web resources. Innovative technologies of the site usability analysis («corridor testing», A / B-testing, thermal maps of clicks, APM, PWA) are considered. A three-factor model for evaluating the content of web pages is described. The importance of link building strategies auditing, social media promotion and ad analysis has been proven. The key metrics used by Internet marketers to audit the site, analyze consumer behavior and evaluate advertising campaigns are systematized. Free and paid services for conducting digital marketing audits and their main functions are analyzed. There is a tendency to integrate a comprehensive digital marketing audit of web resources with marketing technologies in search engine marketing (SEM). The practical value of the article is the development of recommendations for the audit of web resources, which should include analysis of organic and inorganic methods of promotion, monitoring of additional communication channels and end-to-end analysis. A step-by-step model of the process of conducting a comprehensive digital marketing audit has been created. Applying this approach will help the company to achieve the effectiveness of all marketing activities and reach the maximum number of target audience. The global prospects of scientific research are to improve the concept of a single software for comprehensive analysis of web pages, as well as to develop a detailed checklist of the audit, focused on digital marketing trends.
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