Keywords: agribusiness, agribusiness enterprises, innovative development, innovative technologies, economy, pandemic


In the article, the author aims to determine the current state of innovative development of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises and search for problematic issues in this area by analyzing the innovativeness of these enterprises. The author emphasizes the relevance of the research topic, due to the dynamic nature of the economic situation, which is a consequence of modern changes in the world. The article emphasizes the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the state of functioning of agribusiness enterprises in Ukraine. The author attributes this to the fact that the pandemic has dramatically changed the global economic outlook, including in the field of agribusiness. The essence of agribusiness and innovative development is characterized during the research. An analysis of the activities of leading Ukrainian agricultural holdings is made, innovative technologies that are currently used in the activities of the latter are identified and ways of further development are determined. In the article the author repeatedly emphasizes the need to increase the level of innovation of agribusiness enterprises in our country. Summarizing the results of the study, the article confirms that the activities of agribusiness enterprises are an important component of the economy of Ukraine. In addition, the conclusions state that the topic of innovative development of agribusiness is especially relevant in a pandemic. It is also emphasized that due to the creation and operation of new knowledge and innovative developments, in modern conditions, agribusiness enterprises of Ukraine will be able to maintain their positions and improve their activities. According to the author, the results of the study are of practical importance for Ukrainian agribusiness enterprises, as they can increase the efficiency of their economic activity.


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