Data on incomes characterize the economic situation in a country, i.e. they can assess a number of economic and social problems, such as: identification of households at risk of economic crisis; distribution of total income in society; analysis and possibility of political laws influence. Aggregate income includes the total amount of income that a household receives from any source and in cash or in natural form. This article is devoted to analytical and statistical research on income and expenditure, as well as indicators of quality of life in Ukraine and the world in 2019. to Statistical analysis of income or wealth distribution within a country or region is paid particular attention. The Gini coefficient is used. The method of three ways by which the calculations are performed is considered. The index is noted to be a tool for analyzing the distribution of income or wealth, and the Lorentz curve is widely used for their visual representation (graphical method). Ginny index calculations confirmed that all the methods give the same result, which is quite important. The authors also consider the rating of the Gini coefficient in world countries for 2019 according to Eurostat, with Bulgaria having the highest figure at 41%. It is important that for Ukraine this rating coefficient coincided with the calculated one – 0.3316 (33.16%). Due to the fact that this index can range from 0 to 1 (the closer to 0, the more evenly incomes are distributed, and 1 means all incomes belong to one household or group of the population). In this case, the Gini coefficient demonstrates that the distribution of income among the population of Ukraine is normal. Thanks to the use of the Gini coefficient, an analysis of the population and the impact on the economic situation in Ukraine was conducted. The study showed that the statistics of income and expenditure of the population is an important factor influencing the economic level of a country. Income inequality is inherent in many countries, not just Ukraine, because all important elements of development are closely linked. Undoubtedly, change, or rather increasing inequality, worsens the economic growth. Global inequality is a problem that needs to be addressed for years and constantly monitored for change.
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