Keywords: commercial bank, capital, equity, borrowed capital, loan capital, bank capital, bank capital management


The presence in Ukraine of certain crisis, political, financial and economic problems, as well as imperfections in the policy of banking supervision by the state have exacerbated the need to rationalize capital for commercial banks. The capital of the bank and its optimal volume is a safety cushion for the banking institution itself, as well as the basis for the development of active operations of the bank, the guarantee of stability, protecting the interests of depositors. That's why we believe that the problem of capital management as a constant balance between the efficiency of its formation, use and risks of the bank is significant for the bank and relevant to the study. The purpose of the article is to investigate the essence of commercial bank capital management, its main features, to find out the stages and methods of commercial bank capital management. The article explores the essence of bank capital management, in particular in the context of the strategic and operational level. We believe that capital management is a constant maneuvering between the optimization of capital, the efficiency of its use at the strategic and operational level, using specific strategies, methods and tools of management implementation. The article defines the main tasks of bank's capital management, in particular to these tasks are: assessment of capital adequacy, its optimization and planning of directions of capital usage within active operations, assessment of existing risks, which influence on formation and usage of bank's capital, testing of resistance to external and internal risk factors, formation of bank's capital management system on strategic and operational level. The steps of the bank's capital management at the strategic level are summarized, including: formulation of the goal and objectives of capital management, analysis and evaluation of the set goal and objectives on the basis of the forecast of the bank's financial situation, analysis of possible risks for the bank, development and implementation of the strategy, control over the realization of the bank's capital management process. The efficiency of capital management of JSC «Poltava-Bank» was analyzed using the coefficient method and SWOT-analysis. Summarized the main strategies of bank capital management: on the propensity to risk: aggressive, balanced, protective strategies; on the mechanism of bank capitalization: quantitative and qualitative strategies. The main components of the operational management of bank capital are defined.


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How to Cite
Drobotya, Y., & Telyatnuk, M. (2021). CAPITAL MANAGEMENT OF A COMMERCIAL BANK. Economy and Society, (31).

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