The article is devoted to the current issues of assessing the development of roads and transport infrastructure in different cities of Ukraine through the importance of financing the renovation and repair of roadways. Economic assessment of the development of road traffic is a set of techniques and methods, analytical actions to investigate the development of road traffic in the context of the impact on the change in economic indicators of the object under study (condition, type, type, state of road safety). The purpose of this article is to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of programs for the development of road infrastructure. There is a direct and close relationship between the level of economic development of regions and the quality of their road infrastructure. The methods of research are economic, system and comparative analyses. The influence of infrastructure programs on the development of various sectors of the economy and the impact of quarantine on changes in traffic is analyzed. The sources of financing of the State Road Fund, the activity of Ukravtodor and the possibility of launching toll roads are considered. The analysis of expected results of construction and reconstruction for 2018-2022 is made. A formula for calculating the efficiency of the implementation of the Program for 2018-2019 is proposed, taking into account the provisions of the Methodology for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Implementation of State Target Programs for the Development of Motor Roads of General Usage. It is found out that with the help of the funding identifier, the ratio of the actual and planned volume of work performed, as well as the ratio of economic efficiency indicators and actual and planned indicators, it is possible to calculate the efficiency of the 2018-2019 Program implementation. The effectiveness of the implementation of the activities of the Program 2018-2019 is calculated. It was determined that underfunding of new construction and reconstruction activities does not allow to obtain high indicators of efficiency of performed works. Calculated economic efficiency according to the planned and actual indicators of the Program 2015-2019.
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