Today, personnel is the principal capital and core value of any enterprise. It is crucial not only the individual productivity of an individual employee but also his ability to work in a team. The article provides a study of different methods and ways to assess employees' engagement in terms of their interaction in the team. The engagemented employee is proactive, active, loyal to his company, productive and efficient, involved in change processes, as well as often an agent of change. The authors of the paper emphasize the importance of forming and managing team engagement of employees of the organization as a critical factor in the effectiveness of many management processes. The document lists the primary tools used to monitor the engagement of the organization's staff, including: "pulse" surveys, analysis of feelings, the net indicator of the employee's promoter, personal interview, and the last interview, which is conducted at the stage of dismissal. These tools are analyzed in terms of their content, as well as advantages and disadvantages are described. Critical requirements for personnel interviews were also formulated, including anonymity, confidentiality, feedback, regularity, socially desirable responses, ease of evaluation, and scope. The article's authors explained why compliance with these requirements in employee surveys on their engagement is essential and effective. Three main stages of implementation of the employee engagement system were identified. Within the first stage, which is to plan activities engagement personnel, the key performance indicators are identified, including employee loyalty, active and passive staff turnover, absenteeism, business profitability, customer satisfaction, training efficiency, and others. The second stage identifies the main steps for implementing the planned measures, and the third stage is to assess the effectiveness of these measures by conducting a re-survey. The article emphasizes that the engagement process should be part of the company's development strategy because it directly affects the results of its development.
Kahn, William A. Psychological Conditions of Personal Engagement and Disengagement at Work. Academy of Management Journal. 1990. № 33 (4). Pp. 692–724.
Shuck, Brad; Wollard, Karen K. Antecedents to Employee Engagement: A Structured Review of the Literature". Advances in Developing Human Resources. 2011. № 13 (4). Pp. 429–446.
The Difference Between Happy Employees and Engaged Employees. URL:
Employee Pulse Surveys. URL:
Щетініна Л.В., Яструбинська А.Є. Оцінювання залученості персоналу: значення, вимоги та практичні рекомендації. Соціально-трудові відносини: теорія та практика. 2017. Випуск №2(14). С. 262–264.
Engagement Survey Questions. URL:
Employee Engagement KPI’s. URL:
Employee Engagement Strategies That Actually Work. URL:
Kahn, William A. (1990) Psychological Conditions of Personal Engagement and Disengagement at Work. Academy of Management Journal, no 33 (4), pp. 692–724.
Shuck, Brad; Wollard, Karen K. (2011) Antecedents to Employee Engagement: A Structured Review of the Literature. Advances in Developing Human Resources, no 13 (4), pp. 429–446.
The Difference Between Happy Employees and Engaged Employees. Available at:
Employee Pulse Surveys. Available at:
Shchetinina L.V., Yastrubynska A.Ye. (2017) Otsiniuvannia zaluchenosti personal: znachennia, vymohy ta praktychni rekomendacii. [Assessing personnel engagement: values, requrements and practical recommendations]. Sotsialno-trudovi vidnosyny: teoriia ta practyka, no 2(14), pp. 262–264.
Engagement Survey Questions. Available at:
Employee Engagement KPI’s. Available at:
Employee Engagement Strategies That Actually Work. Available at: