The article is devoted to the formation and security of personnel security in the enterprise in the current conditions of management. Recommended succession of stages on the formation and implementation of the system of personnel security in the enterprise. Attention is focused on the importance of interoperability personnel security strategy, which is considered as a certain set of goals and management approaches to the protection and non-violation of threats associated with the activities of the personnel, with a general strategy for the development of the enterprise. Analyzed the main difficulties of implementing a system of staffing security, in particular, is seen lack of understanding of the objectives of the staff of the tasks of the implementation of such a project; Loss of goals for implementation of the safety system; low level of qualification of the personnel; low level of motivation of the personnel; low level of understanding of the system of personnel safety by the employees, resistance to changes, etc. Studying staff safety by different approaches we can conclude that it is possible to consider it as: the state of the system, etc. the state of protection of the interests of the organization and improvement of its human capital; the totality of processes aimed at the strengthening, preservation and development of human resource potential; Set of measures aimed at preventing unlawful actions on the part of the staff of the enterprise. It is stated that during the formation of the system of staff security, the personnel security strategy is fundamental, which can be considered as a set of goals and management approaches to the protection and prevention of threats associated with the activities of the personnel. In view of this, staff security should be seen not only as a condition, but also as the ability of the company to respond adequately to internal and external threats, to protect the corporate interests, Improve the human resource potential and maintain an effective system of human resource management, forming a safe working environment and ensuring the reliability of personnel.
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