The progressive development of the country depends on the quality of life of the population, so the issue of income generation is relevant in an unstable economy. Improving the quality of life of the population of Ukraine is an important socio-economic prerequisite for the development of its labor potential, which is determined by the level of satisfaction of the needs of the population and characterizes the qualitative and quantitative aspects of reproduction of labor potential. Thus, other things being equal, in regions with a low standard of living, focused on the worker with the least developed consumption, there is a reduced level of education, life expectancy, productivity and quality of work. The purpose of the article is to analyze the quality of life of the population of Ukraine, study the income of citizens and assess the satisfaction of needs to maintain a proper standard of living. The methodological and informational basis of the study are the articles of scientists who cover the issues of statistical assessment of income, quality of life, materials of periodicals, Internet resources on these issues. During the study, methods of systematic and logical analysis, the method of generalization of information, comparative analysis, structural and dynamic analysis were used, as well as the method of visualization of information using graphs and tables. The article summarizes the concept of "quality of life". The current state of quality of life of the population of Ukraine is studied. A structural and dynamic analysis of the impact of household incomes on quality of life has been conducted. The predominance in the structure of household income of two sources: social assistance and wages. The highest earnings are observed among employees of the financial sector, industry, government, information and telecommunications. Significant disparities in the amount of earnings due to the territorial features of labor markets have been established. The existence of gender inequality in terms of wages in the country has been revealed. Among the population of the country found a significant percentage of residents with per capita income below the subsistence level. The total expenditures of households in the country are dominated by expenditures on food, housing, utilities. The study gives grounds to assert the interdependence of the quality of labor potential and quality of life of the population of Ukraine, namely: on the one hand, improving the quality of human resources is possible provided improved education, health, housing, working conditions, in other words, by improving quality of life in society; on the other hand, the quality of life depends entirely on the quality of the labor potential of employees.
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Державна служба статистики України. Офіційний сайт. URL:
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