Demand driven by the necessity for the use of innovative technologies, including digitalization, has significantly changed the forms and methods of doing business, particularly in the international tourism and hospitality industry. A necessity to coordinate the activities of tourism and hotel and restaurant operators - tour operators, travel agencies, service providers, and tourists as direct consumers of tourism products and leisure services - has led to the introduction of IT-technologies in the tourism sector, including the development of an electronic interaction platform. The COVID-19 economic crisis has become the biggest crisis for the tourism and hospitality industry, determining the overall transformation of both national and international tourism, requiring the creation of new destinations, ideas and concepts, changing consumer behaviour, purchasing power and preferences. Considering aforementioned aspects, the study of the use of digitalization tools in the field of international tourism and the hospitality industry is a relevant issue that requires more detailed study. The article analyses the use of Internet tools and digital technologies for the development of tourism and hospitality industry in the international context. It is indicated that digitalization in the tourism and hospitality industry is based on the use of modern information and communication technologies (ICT). It is noted that the purpose of using ICT is to improve the processes of development and provision of tourism and hotel and restaurant services. In the course of the study, the key areas of application of modern information technologies in the tourism and hospitality industry were identified. The article identifies opportunities for both tourists and tourism and hospitality enterprises that are formed in the process of using the digitalization tools. It is summarized that digitalization provides many advantages to enterprises and tourists using IT technologies and represents a significant factor in the development of the tourism and hospitality industry and contributes to the formation of an innovative international tourism environment.
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