The article explores the impact of digital transformation on the development of enterprise marketing strategies, emphasizing the role of digital tools in enhancing marketing communication efficiency. Key digitalization trends – personalization, automation, and data analytics – are examined, highlighting their contribution to understanding consumer behavior, optimizing business processes, and increasing competitiveness. Special focus is given to big data analytics, artificial intelligence, CRM systems, content marketing, social media, email marketing, and PPC advertising, which enable personalized customer interactions and effective marketing campaigns. Despite the active adoption of digital technologies, several challenges remain, including adapting marketing strategies to rapid technological changes, integrating artificial intelligence into decision-making, assessing the effectiveness of digital tools in SMEs, and addressing cybersecurity concerns in personal data processing. The study underscores the significance of omnichannel marketing, which integrates communication channels to create a seamless customer experience. Synchronizing SEO, SMM, email campaigns, contextual advertising, and big data analytics enhances customer outreach. The research highlights critical challenges in digital marketing transformation, such as adapting to algorithm changes in search engines and social media, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations, combating cyber threats, and facing rising digital competition. The findings confirm that marketing digitalization is an irreversible trend reshaping business-consumer interactions, creating new opportunities for campaign optimization and customer experience improvement. The integration of AI and big data analytics enables deeper consumer behavior analysis, personalized content, and enhanced advertising efficiency. Omnichannel strategies, digital technology integration, and adaptability are essential for successful marketing campaigns in today's dynamic business environment.
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