The development of ecotourism in Ukraine and the role of recreational complexes in attracting tourists and preserving ecosystems is a particularly important topic in the context of current environmental issues, the growing interest in sustainable tourism, and the need for natural innovations to support heritage. Recreational complexes that support the principles of environmental sustainability can be a powerful tool for attracting tourists and at the same time protecting natural resources, achieving a balance between development and conservation. The purpose of this study is to identify the peculiarities of ecotourism development in Ukraine, in particular the role of recreational facilities in attracting tourists and preserving ecosystems. In the course of the study, both general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, systematic structural and logical generalization, and special methods were used. Constructive logic methods were used to improve the conceptual apparatus and determine the characteristics and patterns of ecotourism development. Graphic research methods were used to obtain a comprehensive view of the research subject, identify its components, the strength of the distribution of elements, and establish causal relationships. Deductive methods were used to formulate conclusions and recommendations. The proposed study aims to determine the role of recreational facilities in attracting tourists, which is the driving force behind an integrated approach that includes infrastructure development, implementation of sustainable practices, use of modern technology, proactive marketing strategies, collaboration with local communities, and expansion of the target audience. In addition, recommendations are proposed for interactions among local communities, businesses, and authorities, which are key elements for successful ecotourism development, including effective project implementation, promotion of natural resource conservation, and local economic development. Combined, these measures can significantly increase the attractiveness of recreational facilities to tourists.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Валентина Токарева, Катерина Горюнова

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