This article is dedicated to reconsidering the capacity of urban transit modes according to different types of rolling stock and standards for filling the free space. Compliance of the capacity of the types of urban transit specified in the DBN (State Construction Norms) with these standards was checked. Often rolling stock capacity is measured according to its free space being filled by passengers in density of 8 passengers per square meter, however, state regulations in Ukraine require this indicator to be 4 passengers per square meter for regular urban transit and 3 passengers per square meter for high-speed urban transit. Research showed that there is a gap in literature in theme of relevant capacity of urban transit modes according to types of rolling stock and their passenger load. In this article the capacity of urban transit modes (measured in passengers per hour per direction) was calculated in accordance with the capacity of the rolling stock commonly used in Ukraine and maximal frequency of movement possible (in vehicles per hour in one direction) of each transit mode. The practical value of the article lies in providing the relevant capacity of different urban transit modes and its rolling stock according to the quality standards for filling the free space of rolling stock. If transit capacity heavily exceeds its demand, it makes the operation less profitable because of unnecessary additional expenses on rolling stock, worker’s salaries, infrastructure and its service. If transit capacity is below its demand, it creates uncomfortable and even dangerous conditions for passengers. All those factors underline the importance of knowing the precise capacity of each transit mode according to the norms before implementing urban transit projects to guarantee their cost effectiveness and high quality of service for passengers. Research that was carried out shows that relevant capacity of urban transit modes does not entirely match the indicators provided in DBN, implying that it needs updates. Data that was obtained in this article could be used in urban transit project management at the planning and evaluation stage.
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