The purpose of the article is to identify the conceptual foundations of minimalist marketing, analyze the tools for its implementation, and determine the impact of such approaches on the profitability of enterprises and consumer perception of the brand. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive approach, including qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis. A critical analysis of the scientific literature on minimalist marketing, its concepts and tools was carried out. Comparative analysis methods were used to assess the effectiveness of minimalist strategies. An abstract method was used to study the perception of minimalist approaches by consumers. Based on the logical generalization method, recommendations were developed for the implementation of minimalist marketing strategies for enterprises in various industries. The article examines the conceptual foundations of minimalist marketing, its key principles and tools. It is determined that in a competitive market, enterprises are faced with the need to adapt marketing strategies to limited resources based on ensuring maximum economic efficiency. It is found that minimalist marketing acts as an innovative approach based on focusing on key consumer needs and rational allocation of resources. The impact of minimalist marketing on enterprise performance indicators and interaction with the target audience is analyzed in such aspects as market segmentation, prioritization of key marketing activities and assessment of the profitability of investments in minimalist strategies. The article also examines the obstacles that businesses face when implementing minimalist strategies and possible ways to overcome them. The proposed approaches are aimed at creating long-term business value through the effective use of limited resources and building loyalty among the target audience. The need to introduce minimalist approaches into the business processes of enterprises, which ensure high competitiveness and sustainable business development, is proven.
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