This article addresses the selection approaches and criteria for identifying countries suitable for the international expansion of Ukrainian IT companies. The topic's relevance stems from the growing global competition and the necessity for Ukrainian IT firms to diversify their operations beyond domestic markets. Internationalization is increasingly critical for achieving sustainable development, ensuring long-term competitiveness, and tapping into global technological and economic trends. The study aims to develop an effective framework for selecting target markets by adapting selection criteria to the specific characteristics of the IT industry, thereby enhancing the success of international expansion strategies. The study employs analytical and comparative methods to refine selection approaches. Emphasis is placed on adapting key criteria such as market size, digital infrastructure, regulatory stability, and demand for innovation to align with IT-specific requirements. The discrete approach is highlighted as an efficient method for initial market screening, focusing on a limited set of key indicators. This method, supplemented by IT-relevant criteria, provides a pragmatic pathway to prioritize markets with favorable conditions for IT services. Comprehensive methods, including SLEPT analysis, are also utilized to assess social, legal, economic, political, and technological dimensions, ensuring a well-rounded evaluation. The results show that adapting selection criteria for IT operations enhances precision in identifying promising markets. The discrete approach enables companies to allocate resources efficiently by narrowing the scope of analysis while maintaining relevance to industry needs. Combining discrete and comprehensive methods ensures a balance between depth and efficiency, leading to strategic and data-driven decisions. The practical value of this research lies in providing actionable recommendations for IT companies planning international expansion. By applying a tailored selection framework, companies can mitigate risks, optimize resources, and strengthen global strategies. This approach is particularly relevant for Ukrainian IT firms navigating economic and geopolitical challenges, enabling them to secure sustainable growth and establish a competitive presence in the global IT market.
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