The article reviews the activities of the bodies of the State Audit Service of Ukraine for 2021–2023. Control measures during the period under review were carried out on the following grounds: implementation of instructions of the President of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; audits of the implementation of local budgets; inspection and monitoring of state procurement; control of the activities of state-owned enterprises; audit of budgetary institutions. The results of the work were analyzed, namely: the volume of audits, procurement inspections, monitoring, state financial audits and identified violations. In the period from January 2021 to December 2023, 2,159 audits and 1,510 procurement inspections were conducted, during which more than 2.5 million enterprises, institutions and organizations were subject to inspection. The identified financial violations that led to losses of material and financial resources amounted to a total of about UAH 325.5 billion. State financial control at 2,720 facilities identified illegal, untargeted expenditures and a lack of resources in the amount of over UAH 124.7 billion, of which almost UAH 13.9 billion related to operations with budget funds. To increase the efficiency of state financial control, it is necessary to: amend the legislation on operational control of budget expenditures under martial law; harmonize Ukrainian legislation with European standards of financial monitoring; implement modern information systems for monitoring and analyzing financial flows in real time; use artificial intelligence and BigData technologies to identify risky transactions and prevent financial violations; introduce stricter mechanisms for controlling the spending of budget funds, especially in the field of public procurement and humanitarian aid; increase the responsibility of officials for violations of financial discipline; reduce the bureaucratic burden and simplify reporting procedures; organize additional training and advanced training of state auditors in crisis situations; create specialized mobile groups for rapid response to financial violations; attracting international experience in the field of public financial control; connecting Ukraine to global initiatives on transparency in the use of budget funds.
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