The article is devoted to the topical issues of creation and implementation of the European Union mechanisms to counter the challenges and threats of the tourism business. The research is based on general scientific methods and approaches, a systematic approach, analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison. To outline the possibilities, the best practices of the EU were applied, the dialectical method, the method of cognition, the method of objectivity were used. The paper presents an analysis of the state of development of the tourism industry of the European Union and the trends of recovery of this sphere after the consequences of the pandemic. It was determined that the recovery in the sectors of the travel and tourism industry is uneven, so in the accommodation and catering sector by the end of 2023 the indicators before the pandemic crisis had already been achieved. However, for example, the air transport and travel agency sectors have not yet reached the indicators of 2019. It is determined that the recovery of the industry remains unstable, as tourism in the EU Member States and Ukraine suffers from the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the social and economic crisis associated with the war, inflation, digital challenges, and extreme weather conditions. The most relevant and significant EU initiatives and programs aimed at preventing the consequences of crises, countering challenges, maximizing the contribution of the industry to growth and jobs, promoting cooperation between EU countries and developing the attractiveness of Europe as a destination, etc. are considered. The paper presents the experience of the European Union in implementing the transition based on the Transition Pathway for Tourism, introduced in 2022. The achievements and initiatives implemented within the framework of the document are outlined with the aim of improving in three areas: the transition to green and digital technologies and promoting the sustainable development of EU tourism. The directions for implementing the European Agenda for Tourism until 2030 are outlined. Using general scientific research methods, a study was conducted on the ways of cooperation between Ukraine and public and private initiatives and European and global institutions with which the European Union cooperates on tourism issues and implementing the ideas of digital, green transition and sustainable tourism development. The possibilities of applying EU best practices for the development of the travel and tourism industry in Ukraine, economic growth, overcoming social, environmental, digital and other challenges were outlined.
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