The article focuses on the pressing issues of adapting HR management to the challenges of digital business transformation, emphasizing the critical role of innovative technologies, particularly artificial intelligence (AI). It thoroughly examines the key aspects that influence the effectiveness of human resource management (HRM) in a digitalized environment, highlighting both current challenges and future opportunities. The research explores innovative strategies aimed at enhancing employee productivity by automating HR processes, leveraging big data analytics, personalizing approaches to employee engagement, and utilizing digital platforms to foster higher levels of staff involvement and motivation. A significant part of the analysis is devoted to the integration of artificial intelligence into core HR functions, such as recruitment, onboarding, continuous learning, professional development, performance evaluation, employee motivation, and talent retention. The article identifies the transformative advantages of digital tools in HR management, including the optimization of time and financial resources, the acceleration of decision-making processes, the enhancement of process transparency, and the improvement of communication between management and staff. Additionally, it emphasizes how these tools contribute to creating a more engaging and satisfactory work environment for employees. The article also highlights the practical experience of various industries in adapting HR management strategies to the demands of the digital economy. This real-world analysis underscores the importance of adopting flexible and innovative solutions tailored to the unique needs of different business contexts. By examining successful implementations of advanced HR technologies, the research outlines the most promising directions for the evolution of modern HR management in the context of rapid technological advancements. Through a comprehensive analysis, the article offers insights into how digital transformation and artificial intelligence reshape HR management practices, enabling businesses to remain competitive in a fast-changing economic landscape. These findings present a roadmap for leveraging digitalization to achieve strategic human resource goals while fostering sustainable innovation.
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