In today's world, social networks play an important role in many areas of life, including tourism. For tourist destinations, social networks have become a powerful promotion tool with a wide range of functions that allow attracting new audiences, informing about tourism opportunities, forming a positive image and increasing competitiveness. The purpose of the study is to analyze the functions of social networks in the promotion of tourist destinations in the Lviv region. The research is based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the content published on the pages of the tourist destinations of the Lviv region selected by the authors in the Facebook and Instagram social networks. It reveals how different social media platforms are used to showcase diverse tourism offerings, including historical sites, natural landscapes, and cultural events. The scientific works of Ukrainian scientists that studied wide range of topics connected with the promotion of tourism were also analyzed to make the results of this research more complete. This study identifies and investigates promotional influence of three main functions of social networks: informational-communicative, marketing-promotional, image-building and of few supportive functions of social networks: social-integration, analytic-research, coordination-logistic, and education-enlightening. The main trends in the use of social networks for the promotion of tourism are identified, and the factors affecting the effectiveness of such promotion are also determined. The practical significance of the research lies in developing recommendations for optimizing social media strategies in tourism destination marketing. The findings can be applied by regional tourism organizations, destination marketing organizations, and tourism businesses to enhance their social media presence and improve communication with potential visitors. The conclusions summarize the results of the research and formulate the main recommendations regarding the functions of social networks in the promotion of tourist destinations in the Lviv region.
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