The article examines the impact of innovative entrepreneurial initiatives on the organizational and economic support of investments in territorial communities of Ukraine. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to form an effective innovative ecosystem that would ensure sustainable economic growth of communities in modern conditions of global challenges and decentralization. It is determined that innovative entrepreneurial initiatives are able to transform traditional business models, contributing to the creation of new economic clusters, increasing employment and social development. The study analyzes the barriers that hinder the development of innovative entrepreneurship at the local level, in particular, the fragmentation of support measures, limited access to financing and the lack of an integrated development policy. A conceptual model of an innovative ecosystem is proposed, based on the integration of business incubators, clusters, startup accelerators and public-private partnership mechanisms. The importance of modern digital technologies, such as geographic information systems and CRM platforms, in increasing the transparency of investment management and optimizing communication between stakeholders is considered. Particular attention is paid to the development of a cyclical model of innovation processes, which includes the stages of idea generation, testing, scaling and effectiveness assessment, which ensures adaptation to changes and continuous improvement. The article substantiates that the activation of innovative entrepreneurship is a significant factor in the formation of the investment attractiveness of a community. It is determined that the integration of innovative practices allows you to increase the volume of investment flows, expand opportunities for long-term development of local business and create appropriate conditions for social and economic growth. Practical recommendations are proposed for local governments and business structures on stimulating innovation, forming an "innovation culture" and improving mechanisms for attracting investment in territorial communities. The research materials can be used for further scientific developments and practical implementation in strategies for sustainable community development.
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