This article studies theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of career management of the enterprise's personnel in modern conditions. It proves that career management of personnel is an effective tool for engaging employees, utilizing their professional and personal qualities to the maximum, and reducing staff turnover in the conditions of high labor mobility. The article analyzes the scientific approaches to the interpretation of the terms "career" and "personnel career management". It develops a typology of business careers based on ten classification criteria (spatial, temporal, learning environment, direction of employee movement in the organization's structure, degree of compliance with planned tasks, degree of continuity, speed of employee movement, method of achievement, success criteria, stages of the career process). It analyzes the determinants of career choice and development (objective, subjective and situational), factors inhibiting it and elements of the enterprise's personnel career management system (object, subjects, goal, tasks, principles, functions, methods, technologies, tools, support, indicators and criteria of effectiveness, typical mistakes of managers in personnel career management). The article studies the structure and dynamics of personnel, career management practices of employees, and career management effectiveness indicators in the LLC "Epicenter K" (a shopping center located in Bila Tserkva, Ukraine). The article substantiates the following recommendations for improving the career management system in the shopping center: 1) creating individual development plans for each employee, which will ensure personalization (strengthening employees' responsibility for their education and career) and involvement (strengthening motivation due to employees' understanding of a clear path to professional growth); 2) expanding the curriculum by including training in the development of soft skills that are important for career growth, and online courses and webinars that provide the opportunity to learn at a time convenient for employees; 3) implementing a mentoring program (experience handover will help mastering the new skills faster and reducing stress from new responsibilities); 4) introducing regular evaluation of training programs and career development (will allow to evaluate results and make changes to training courses in accordance with business needs and in a timely fashion); 5) creating a system of incentives for employees who are actively engaged in training and career development.
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