Keywords: bioeconomy, strategic development, strategy of the region, state support, regional economy, modernization


Regional development strategies are studied. It is substantiated that the priority direction of economic development of the western region of Ukraine today is the restructuring of its economy through decentralization and the introduction of a wide variety of production technologies. The priority directions of economic development in the dominant economic complexes of the western region of Ukraine are determined. Ways of state support of economic development of the western region of Ukraine are formed. The key instruments of state support for the implementation of these ways are identified, namely: support for the development of regional infrastructure through subventions; construction of new enterprises on the basis of providing favorable conditions; creation of professional state structures (departments) for attracting investments, professional support of investors; infrastructural support of business activity – exhibition areas, industrial parks, business centers, etc.; creation of infrastructure in a certain territory for the location of new enterprises and comprehensive assistance from the state; providing investment support for the implementation of energy-saving technologies; comprehensive support. Priority areas for supporting small and medium-sized businesses have been identified. This comprehensive support should be implemented in the following areas: creation of regional business support centers; introduction of an effective credit-guarantee mechanism for microcredit of business; financing of small business with the help of international credit programs specially developed for small business and "startup" projects; increasing the motivation of regional state authorities and regional self-government in the direction of creating favorable starting conditions for the placement of small and medium-sized businesses by reducing the share of tax revenues that go to the central state budget; encouraging the introduction of innovations in production and economic activities. The main branches of bioeconomy of the western region of Ukraine are singled out and the expediency of attracting investments in them in the first place is substantiated. It is proved that the restructuring of the economic potential of the western region of Ukraine should be carried out in the following areas: strengthening the balance of socio-economic and environmental development; bioeconomy development; introduction of innovations in all sectors of the economy of the western region of Ukraine, especially innovative development of production, communication and information, social infrastructure; intensive development of the recreational complex.


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