Keywords: marketing mix, strategic management, competitiveness, enterprise management, marketing strategy


The article is dedicated to analysing the application of the marketing mix in managing Ukrainian enterprises under conditions of economic and political instability, particularly during the ongoing war. It explores the theoretical foundations of the marketing mix (and its adaptation to modern challenges, highlighting its role as a strategic tool for ensuring business competitiveness, stability, and sustainable development. The study underscores the necessity of integrating all elements of the marketing mix – product, price, place, and promotion – into a coherent framework that allows enterprises to respond effectively to the rapidly changing environment. Special attention is given to the digital transformation of marketing strategies, including the widespread adoption of digital sales channels and optimisation of resources to ensure operational efficiency. The article also examines the adjustments in product portfolio management and pricing strategies that are critical to meeting consumers' evolving needs and reduced purchasing power. The findings emphasise the importance of social responsibility and ethical practices, demonstrating how integrating such initiatives strengthens consumer loyalty and enhances brand reputation. The study also discusses the role of marketing in addressing logistical challenges and reconfiguring distribution networks to ensure market accessibility amidst disruptions. It highlights the shift in consumer behaviour and preferences, necessitating businesses to reevaluate their communication and engagement approaches, focusing on transparency, empathy, and relevance to societal needs. By aligning marketing strategies with current realities, Ukrainian enterprises can survive and create a foundation for recovery and growth in the post-war period. The research concludes that the marketing mix remains an effective and universal instrument, even in crisis conditions. It provides a framework for innovation, adaptability, and strategic resilience, enabling enterprises to navigate the uncertainties of war and lay the groundwork for long-term competitiveness and sustainability. The article offers valuable insights and practical recommendations for businesses seeking to optimise their marketing strategies in the face of ongoing challenges and prepare for future recovery.


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