Keywords: digitalization, agricultural enterprises, agricultural sector, war period, precision farming, digital technologies, digital platforms, geographic information systems (GIS), drones, mobile applications, regional differences, infrastructure, innovations


The article is dedicated to a comprehensive analysis of the level of digitalization of production processes in agricultural enterprises in Ukraine during the war period. This analysis covers a wide range of issues related to the implementation of digital technologies in the agricultural sector, particularly in areas such as precision farming, the use of geographic information systems (GIS), drones for crop monitoring, mobile applications for farm management, and online platforms for trading agricultural products. The authors examine not only the current state of digitalization but also the significant changes that have occurred in the agricultural sector due to the impact of the war on infrastructure, the economy, and access to digital resources. One important aspect of the article is the study of regional differences in the implementation of digital platforms. It is found that there are significant disparities in the level of digitalization between different regions of Ukraine. For example, central and western regions, such as Kyiv, Lviv, and Vinnytsia, have more developed infrastructure, which contributes to the implementation of modern technologies, while southern and eastern regions, due to destroyed infrastructure and ongoing military actions, face greater difficulties in this process. These regional differences are determined not only by geographic factors but also by access to financing, the level of local initiatives, and the willingness of local farmers to adopt new technologies. In the context of the war, most agricultural enterprises have faced the need to adapt to new circumstances, including limited internet access, the lack of proper technical support and infrastructure, and the destruction of some agricultural enterprises and farmland. This has posed a significant challenge to the effective use of digital platforms and technologies, as well as the provision of the necessary resources for adaptation to the new conditions. On the other hand, the war has demonstrated the need to develop digital solutions that can ensure the resilience of the agricultural sector in crisis situations. For example, innovative technologies such as satellite systems for crop monitoring and drones for assessing yields have become crucial tools for maintaining and managing agricultural enterprises under conditions of limited resources. The study also covers the prospects for the development of digital platforms for farmers after the end of the war. It is expected that after the country’s recovery, there will be a rapid development of innovations in the agricultural sector, particularly in the automation of production processes, the implementation of technologies for managing water resources, the use of artificial intelligence for yield forecasting, and the development of agricultural logistics. The article also discusses the importance of integrating blockchain technologies to ensure transparency and security in agricultural product supply chains. The main problems and barriers to digitalization of the agricultural sector identified in the research include the low level of technical preparedness of farmers, the lack of proper infrastructure in rural areas, high costs for implementing new technologies, and the lack of access to financing for small and medium-sized enterprises. The article provides specific recommendations for overcoming these difficulties, including the development of government programs to support digital technologies for farmers, expanding internet and mobile network access in rural areas, creating specialized training programs for farmers and agrarians, as well as providing grants and subsidies for small enterprises ready to implement digital solutions. In conclusion, the authors emphasize the importance of government support for the digitalization of the agricultural sector in both the short and long term. The article highlights that the development of digital technologies in agriculture is an essential component not only for post-war recovery but also for ensuring the sustainability, efficiency, and competitiveness of the agricultural sector in Ukraine in the global market. This research provides an in-depth understanding of the current challenges and opportunities for digitalization in Ukraine’s agricultural sector, offering a comprehensive approach to addressing problems and defining strategic directions for development during and after the war.


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