The purpose of the article is to study the impact of digital transformation on the foreign economic activity of enterprises in order to form innovative strategies for its management to ensure the competitiveness of business entities in the global environment. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach that combines theoretical and empirical methods of analysis. Comparative analysis methods were used to study innovative strategies for managing foreign economic activity, economic and statistical methods to assess the impact of digital technologies on its effectiveness, as well as the method of logical generalization to form the final results of the study. Modeling was used to develop recommendations for the implementation of innovative strategies in the context of digital transformation. The article examines innovative strategies for managing foreign economic activity, which are of particular importance in the context of digital transformation, which is significantly changing traditional models of international business. The key aspects of enterprises’ adaptation to new challenges of the global market associated with the rapid introduction of digital technologies are investigated. The features of the digital transformation of business processes and the use of digital platforms for the functioning of business forms in international trade are investigated. Functional digital tools are considered that ensure increased efficiency of foreign economic activity management. Innovative approaches to developing strategies aimed at increasing the competitiveness of enterprises through the integration of digital platforms and improving risk management are identified. The special role of the digital economy in the transformation of international trade, as well as the influence of innovations on the formation of new business models, is proven. The need to develop strategic solutions that will allow enterprises to effectively respond to dynamic changes in the global environment, ensuring the sustainable development of foreign economic activity, is identified.
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