Keywords: non-financial reporting, state institutions, integrated reporting, sustainable development reporting, public sector, accounting


The article considers current issues regarding non-financial reporting of state institutions as a tool for transparency and accountability of management, taking into account the prerequisites for the introduction of new forms of reporting. The purpose of the article is to investigate the features of the formation of non-financial reporting by state institutions in the context of European integration and to develop theoretical and methodological recommendations for its improvement, taking into account the specifics of the activities of such institutions. The importance of non-financial indicators in the implementation of European integration processes by state institutions is considered. The common and distinctive characteristics of integrated reporting and sustainable development reporting are systematized and generalized. The interpretation of European sustainable development reporting standards is compared. Approaches to the integration of non-financial indicators into the reporting of state institutions are identified, which contributes to increasing the investment attractiveness and efficiency of management of state institutions. The key advantages and challenges of introducing sustainable development reporting for state institutions are identified based on the analysis of this reporting. For government agencies, the implementation of integrated reporting elements is an extremely important element, as they can use it to report to the public, especially in matters of resource management, fulfillment of social and environmental obligations. Under the influence of global trends, such as open access to information, the public is becoming more demanding of transparency of government agencies, which confirms the appropriateness of the recommendations proposed in this study. Since sustainable development reporting is inherently aimed at increasing transparency of activities, its introduction for government agencies will ensure compliance with the principle of transparency and openness and, accordingly, its transparency to citizens and other stakeholders. This also contributes to the accountability of government agencies regarding their impacts on the environment, social conditions and economic development, which increases the level of public trust in government institutions.


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How to Cite
Bondar, M., & Tsiatkovska, O. (2024). NON-FINANCIAL REPORTING IN GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (69).