The article examines the features of the formation of effective marketing strategies by construction industry enterprises in the conditions of post-war recovery. It is established that in the conditions of military operations and the recovery of Ukraine after the war, the activities of construction industry enterprises acquire certain specifics. This is due to the increase in the level of uncertainty and risks, increased competition, as well as increased consumer requirements for the quality of products and services. The effective work of construction enterprises in such conditions depends not only on the optimization of internal processes, but also on their ability to adapt to constant changes in the external environment. In these circumstances, there is a need to move away from traditional approaches to management and rethink the key objectives of companies' activities. An analysis of the current state of the construction industry has been conducted and the specifics of its functioning in the conditions of post-war recovery have been investigated using SWOT analysis. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, combining strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats, it is possible to form effective marketing strategies aimed at developing strategic partnerships and alliances, innovative technologies and sustainable development, the use of flexible pricing policies and cost optimization, active communication and branding in crisis conditions, diversification of areas of activity, digitalization of business processes and marketing communications. These strategies allow construction companies in Ukraine to adapt to martial law conditions and minimize risks, while simultaneously using available opportunities for growth and development. Existing approaches to developing marketing strategies in the construction industry, their strengths and weaknesses have been studied. Key factors influencing the formation of marketing strategies during the period of economic recovery have been identified, among which the level of danger of the region is a significant factor. The practical significance of the publication lies in the formation of customer-oriented strategies that take into account changing consumer needs in modern conditions, will ensure increased competitiveness and efficiency of construction enterprises depending on the degree of danger of the regions of Ukraine.
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