The construction industry affects the efficiency of the economy, the state of the environment, employment and the safety of life of the population. In Ukraine, due to the conduct of hostilities, its role in today's conditions is increasing. Therefore, the transformation of the construction industry, which involves the introduction of modern innovative methods and technologies, is extremely important. The purpose of the article is to study the problems that arise in connection with the transformation of the construction industry in modern conditions and to determine ways to solve them. The construction industry of Ukraine is characterized by low resource utilization efficiency; lack of qualified personnel; lack of a single strategy for the development of the industry, low level of use of modern technologies and equipment. This caused the need for reform, the first step of which was the introduction of the Unified State Electronic System in the field of construction, which in three years of operation made it possible to obtain an anti-corruption effect of 11.2 billion. UAH. Digitization of processes in the construction industry significantly increases the efficiency and quality of construction works, reduces their cost and deadlines. Various technologies are used to digitize construction (BIM, IoT, AI, AR/VR, software for automating the activities of construction companies, Robotics, Cloud Computing, Blockchain). At the same time, there are obstacles on the way to the digital transformation of the construction industry: the low level of digital competence of performers, the lack of necessary skills for working with digital equipment, the resistance of companies and their employees to digital changes, the lack of understanding of the economic benefits of digitalization, the need to implement uniform standards for the use of digital solutions, their adaptation to existing technological base, the incompatibility of various digital technologies regarding the data format, the difficult financial and economic situation in which the industry found itself. To overcome them, digitalization should be carried out gradually, using only professional developments and under the condition of proper training of personnel.
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