Keywords: brand management, small business, innovative technologies, social media, artificial intelligence, digital transformation


The article explores the strategic significance of branding for small businesses and highlights the role of innovative technologies in contemporary brand management. A strong brand is identified as a key asset that enables small businesses to establish market identity, build customer trust, and compensate for limited resources in a highly competitive environment. The research emphasizes that branding goes beyond reflecting product or service quality, acting as a tool for creating emotional connections with consumers, which is crucial for building loyalty. As modern consumers are presented with a vast array of choices, a strong brand simplifies purchasing decisions by associating products or services with reliability, quality, and uniqueness. However, small businesses face numerous challenges in developing and managing their brands. Limited financial resources, insufficient marketing expertise, and the rapid evolution of market conditions complicate the creation of effective branding strategies. Additionally, increasing competition from large corporations with substantial marketing budgets and the growing demand for environmentally conscious products necessitate the adoption of new approaches to branding. The study identifies innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Big Data, digital platforms, automation, and augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR) as transformative tools that open new opportunities for small businesses. These technologies enhance the efficiency of marketing campaigns, enable deeper customer insights, and facilitate personalized solutions. The findings highlight that innovation in branding is not just a competitive advantage but a necessity for small businesses operating in a globalized and digitized market. By employing innovative tools, small businesses can navigate the challenges posed by limited resources and adapt to changing consumer behavior. Strategies such as automated data analysis, interactive content, and personalized marketing enable small businesses to build trust, enhance brand visibility, and deliver additional value to consumers. Ultimately, the article underscores that innovation, combined with strategic branding, empowers small businesses to thrive in dynamic market conditions and remain competitive against larger players.


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How to Cite
Ustik, T., & Shmatok, M. (2024). INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN BRAND MANAGEMENT IN SMALL BUSINESSES. Economy and Society, (69).