The article examines in details the problems of improving the methods of managerial influence of the management system on the functional units of enterprise. In the course of the study, specific problems have been identified and measures to improve the methods of management influence of the management system on the units have been proposed. Effective measures to improve the management methods of the management system on the functional units will be the formation of the influence of the management department in accordance with the results of the enterprise and the introduction of administrative regulation by the functional units of the enterprise. The recommended improvement measures are designed to solve problems in the implementation of effective management influence on the functional units, as well as to provide the enterprise with a consistent plan for the implementation of management operations and the implementation of selected measures. The study determined that management influence on functional units is aimed at achieving the commercial result of the enterprise's activities and helps to formulate appropriate commercial and functional goals, taking into account the specifics of the state of the units' activities and the enterprise as a whole. According to the results of the study of administrative regulation, it was also determined that this measure will ensure organizational order in the performance of functional tasks of the units, increase work efficiency, establish labor discipline and working atmosphere at the enterprise. The article also presents recommended measures in the form of a scheme for implementing the formation of managerial influence on the functional units of an enterprise based on the performance results and the structure of implementation of administrative regulation by functional units. As a result of the study, it is expected that the implementation of the recommended measures will ensure the effective use of managerial influence on subordinates, rational management decisions, a combination of administrative, economic, social and psychological methods and will contribute to positive changes in the impact of the management system on the functional units of the enterprise.
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