The article is devoted to the issues of managing freight transportation sales in conditions of uncertainty. The relevance of the search for new approaches to sales management by transport companies is determined, since general uncertainty creates difficulties with the sales of freight transportation services. Transport companies have particular difficulties in managing sales, as it is impossible to establish effective and reliable sales planning. The level of uncertainty is high and is exacerbated by the conduct of military operations in part of the territory of Ukraine, the destruction of transport infrastructure and mobilization into the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to improve scientific and practical approaches to managing freight sales under conditions of uncertainty. The methods of generalization, descriptive statistics, and systematization were applied, factor and correlation-regression analyzes of the volume of implemented services for cargo road transportation in Ukraine were used. An analysis of the volume of realized freight road transportation services in Ukraine in 2010-2023 was conducted. Regression and correlation models of the volume of realized freight road transportation services were constructed. The positive effects of implementing sales management for a transport enterprise are an increase in sales volumes and increased sales profitability, optimization of labor productivity and return on assets, prevention of difficult situations, and adjustment of the development tasks of the transport enterprise. It is proposed to understand freight transportation sales management as a set of managerial actions that include a logical chain of actions to search for freight transportation customers and offer them high-quality transport services, conclude freight transportation contracts, as well as supporting actions to recruit personnel, form an appropriate fleet, insurance and documentary support for freight transportation in order to achieve the strategic and current goals of the transport enterprise and the infrastructure support for economic development, as well as meet the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, supply humanitarian aid and meet the needs of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
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