Keywords: museum, museum business, museum management, museum management functions, museum management structure


Modern museums are not only centres of culture and science, but are also becoming full participants in economic relations. The expansion of the functions performed by museums requires new approaches to museum management. Effective management of museums is possible only through the introduction of museum management based on modern principles and will be carried out taking into account the specifics, trends of the museum institution and the challenges of today. The article highlights the essence and peculiarities of museum management, as well as the specifics of its functions for museum institutions. Attention is focused on the special role and necessity of managing the marketing and innovation activities of the museum. The authors determine that the management of a museum institution, its functions and methods will depend on the characteristics of the museum, type, range of functions and tasks. The difficult situation in the museum sector is the result of many unfavourable factors, namely the crisis in the country's economy and the reduction of funds allocated to finance the activities of museum institutions, current approaches to financing (museums are financed on a residual basis), political instability, pandemic, military aggression against our country. The problem of forming an effective management system for museum institutions is not sufficiently represented in the modern scientific literature and requires deeper study and coverage, especially given the growing role of museums in economic relations. The activities of museum institutions have their own peculiarities and differ from other business entities. The management of a museum institution, its functions and methods will depend on the specifics of the museum, its type, range of functions and tasks. . Modern museums perform the following main functions: research, information, collection acquisition, exhibition, restoration, collection management, publishing, education and many others. Museum management is seen as a system of theoretical and practical knowledge of managing a museum, museum staff and all types of museum activities. The current state of development of museums and the state of museum funding leads to the fact that museums become full participants in market relations, which creates new opportunities for development and changes approaches to their management, the need to perform new functions and activities, and the structure of museum management. Museums are becoming not only centres of cultural but also economic development. Ensuring the effectiveness of museums is possible only if the methods, principles and practical implementation of the functions of modern museum management are widely used.


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How to Cite
Paulyk, A., Feer, O., & Shterr, D. (2024). FEATURES OF MODERN MUSEUM MANAGEMENT . Economy and Society, (69). Retrieved from https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/5187