The article presents the features of developing the educational services market in Ukraine in modern conditions. The negative consequences of military actions on the educational process are revealed. Considerable attention is paid to analyzing the dynamics of the population in age groups studying in various educational institutions. It is established that the main number of modern students in higher education institutions is made up of representatives of Generation Z. The importance of interaction with representatives of the Alpha generation is also emphasized, since shortly this generation will form the demand for higher education. The need to form unique brands for higher education institutions is proven to ensure recognition in the educational services market and ensure competitiveness. The main elements of the brand that higher education institutions should use in the process of implementing effective marketing strategies are presented. The feasibility of using marketing management to promote a higher education institution and educational programs in the market, as well as to ensure the effectiveness of communications with the target audience, is proven. The process of managing marketing activities is complex and includes planning based on scientifically sound principles, promoting a higher education institution and its educational programs in the market, and ensuring effective communication with the target audience. The need to use digital marketing tools in the process of managing the image of a higher education institution is substantiated. Continuously conducting a comprehensive analysis of the educational services market to identify current needs and adjust the marketing strategy following modern conditions. Using effective communication tools, particularly in the digital environment, to establish interaction with the target audience. Marketing management involves the use of relevant content that allows one to interact with the target audience in the digital environment and demonstrate the competitive advantages of the relevant higher education institution.
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