The dynamic development of the external environment of the enterprise forms the prerequisites for the formation of a strategy for managing the economic behavior of the enterprise, which is a complex process that characterizes the external and internal environment of enterprises and is based on the development of enterprises. The purpose of the work is to build a mechanism of economic behavior of an enterprise to improve the efficiency of enterprise management in the long-term and short-term periods. The constructed mechanism of economic behavior of the enterprise is based on a system of principles and includes two main blocks: principles of spatial nature and principles of temporal nature. The developed mechanism has a modern mathematical basis in the form of VAR models and cross-spectral analysis, which allows studying economic behavior in both long-term and short-term business horizons. Each of the management horizons contains its own local mechanism of economic behavior. Within the framework of this work, the local mechanism of managing the economic behavior of the enterprise in the long-term planning horizon was investigated using the Granger causality test, impulse analysis and dispersion decomposition.
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