The article examines innovative business communications in the marketing activities of tourism and hotel and restaurant enterprises. A theoretical analysis is conducted and key aspects of effective business communications are identified. It is noted that the terms "business communications" and "business communications" are mostly synonymous and are used to denote communication processes in the business environment. It is determined that modern business communications encompass any forms of communication aimed at establishing and developing business contacts, strengthening partnerships, promoting ideas, goods and services, and forming a positive image of the organization. Their main goal is to create new value for business through effective interaction with customers, partners and employees. It is proven that modern marketing activities of tourism and hotel and restaurant enterprises are actively transforming under the influence of digitalization and changes in consumer behavior, modern business communications are becoming multi-channel, personalized and technologically rich, therefore, thanks to the development of digital technologies, enterprises can increase the level of customer engagement, provide a high-quality customer experience and increase profitability. In modern conditions of digitalization of marketing activities, business communications are gaining special importance. They reflect the specifics of business interaction in the field of entrepreneurship, where the key role is played by the speed and accuracy of information exchange, management of relationships with customers and partners, as well as coordination of internal and external business processes. In addition, the article includes research on business communications used in modern business practice for interaction with consumers and other stakeholders: digital business communications, personalized business communications, innovative technologies in business communications, omnichannel communications, reputation and feedback management. It has been found that digital business communications facilitate the interaction of enterprises with stakeholders, therefore their implementation in the enterprise's marketing strategy will significantly increase the effectiveness of communication and serve to achieve strategic goals.
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