The article deals with the problems of team building and staff motivation in modern management. The main factors influencing the effectiveness of team building and motivational systems in organizations are identified. The key theories of motivation and their relevance to modern conditions are analyzed. Recommendations for improving team building processes and developing motivational tools to increase productivity and employee engagement are presented. Particular attention is paid to the importance of intangible incentives and the impact of corporate culture on employee motivation. The purpose of the article is to analyze the existing problems of team building and staff motivation in the context of modern management, as well as to develop recommendations for overcoming them. The scientific article actualizes the issue of studying the processes of team building and staff motivation in the context of modern management. The key factors that affect the effectiveness of teams and employee motivation in a dynamic business environment are considered. The main approaches to theories of motivation are analyzed, in particular, their application in the processes of personnel management. It has been described the most effective motivational strategies that help to strengthen team spirit and increase productivity. The main stages of building successful teams and forming a motivation system that meets the modern requirements of personnel management are highlighted. In further research, it is proposed to focus on the features and benefits of using modern motivation and team building tools in flexible organizational structures. It is important to investigate how the integration of technologies, such as management platforms and analytics tools, can improve communication and teamwork processes, as well as contribute to the formation of a positive corporate culture. The study of the impact of hybrid forms of work on employee motivation is also a promising area, as changes in the format of work require new approaches to motivational strategies and team management.
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