The article is devoted to the study of the mechanism of financial support of social development in the system of socio-economic transformations. In the conditions of martial law, the issue of forming state financial resources, ensuring financial security and economic stability of the state is important. It is important to ensure social protection of the population, effective formation of state budget revenues and expenditures, regulation of inter-budgetary relations. The purpose of the study is to reveal the essence and mechanisms of financial support for social development. It was determined that the formation of the expenditure part of the budget should be carried out in accordance with the defined socio-economic priorities and public needs, in order to increase the efficiency of the use of budget funds, it is advisable to update the methodology of monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of budget programs, it is important to improve the basic principles of the budget planning system. It is expedient to improve budgetary regulation in the sphere of expenditures, to strengthen the connection density between indicators of financial support of budget programs and the effectiveness of their implementation. There is a need to improve the mechanisms of medium-term forecasting of macroeconomic and budget indicators, to organize the number of budget programs, to deepen the criteria for the effectiveness of their implementation, which will contribute to increasing the level of budget effectiveness. It was determined that social development reflects financial and economic relations in the process of strengthening and realizing human abilities, under certain institutional conditions of the socio-economic environment in order to achieve the set goals. The control function of public finances, which is responsible for the timeliness and completeness of the receipt of financial resources to the budget, the determination of proportions in the distribution of budget funds, and the efficiency of their use, is becoming important. An important direction for improving the budget policy is strengthening the financial one capabilities of territorial communities, expansion of the share of own revenues in the general structure of the revenue part of local budgets. The mechanism for regulating inter-budgetary relations needs further development, which will contribute to achieving financial stability and balanced development of administrative-territorial units, ensuring a high-quality level of providing public services to the population.
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