In this article, we will analyze the foreign economic activity of trading enterprises. Directions have been identified for improving the efficiency of accounting and management of foreign economic activities of trading enterprises. Promising areas for the use of digital technologies to improve the accounting and management of foreign economic activities of digital trading companies have been identified, as companies need to respond quickly to changes in the international economy and ensure the accuracy and transparency of their operations. The introduction of digital technologies will significantly increase the accuracy and speed of foreign economic activity. As a result of the use of digital tools, this can reduce costs, minimize risks, ensure compliance with laws, increase transparency, ensure effective supply chain management, improve interaction with customs authorities and other regulatory bodies, maintain a competitive advantage in international markets, and increase the financial stability of the market. Digital technology is a powerful tool to increase the efficiency, accuracy, safety and management of foreign trade activities of trading companies. Their use in accounting and management of foreign economic activities opens many prospects for companies, given the rapid development of digital technologies, they traditional approach to managing foreign economic operations, reduce costs, reduce the human factor, and improve the transparency and security of business processes. That is why the effective accounting and management of foreign economic activities of trading enterprises requires the use of digital technologies. Digital technology in the accounting and management of foreign trade activities of trading companies greatly improves the efficiency of operations, reduces risks and costs, and the transparency and accuracy of data helps companies to adapt to the changing international environment, ensure a high level of control and security, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. As a result, the introduction of digital technology has become a necessary step for companies seeking sustainable development and competitiveness in international markets.
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