The article identifies the key role of accumulation, development and practical application of knowledge as one of the main assets in the process of forming an innovative tourism product. The need to create a knowledge system that integrates scientific and technical developments, modern trends in tourism development and the experience of successful enterprises is emphasized. A set of measures is proposed to increase the efficiency of using innovative processes in the development, implementation and promotion of tourism products. These measures include the development of digital technologies, cooperation with research institutions, involvement of marketing experts and development of customer-oriented solutions. Particular attention is paid to the use of modern sales channels to popularize innovative products and create a positive image of tourism enterprises. The article also visualizes the conceptual S-shaped curve of the life cycle of an innovative tourism product. It demonstrates the key stages: implementation, growth, market saturation and decline. This model allows you to predict the effectiveness of innovations, determine the optimal time for launching new tourism products or modernizing existing ones. The main risks associated with the use of innovations in tourism are considered, such as high development costs, unpredictability of market reactions and technological barriers, incorrectly determined market capacity, too high a tour price, unsuccessful advertising campaign or incorrect assessment of competitors in the industry. However, it is worth noting that, despite the fact that the risks associated with the implementation of an innovative product are quite high, the benefits obtained from successful implementation are no less significant. A number of methods for minimizing these risks are proposed, including the adaptation of business processes, flexible resource management and the implementation of market trend monitoring systems. The article demonstrates the importance of innovations as a driving force for the development of tourism enterprises and increasing their competitiveness.
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