The article is devoted to topical issues of determining the priorities of sustainable development of industrial enterprises, the problems of human capital formation in conditions of fierce market competition, innovative development of production. The authors emphasize that the paradigm shift in economic development caused by the transformation processes in Ukraine implies the need to build national industrial potential in accordance with the challenges of the new industrial revolution. It is proved that modeling the mechanism of human resources quality management, in turn, will allow to predict, other things being equal, the expected growth of labor productivity, taking into account the current innovation activity in the short term. A model of human capital development has been developed, which allows to identify factors that contribute to or constrain the growth of labor productivity. The necessity of economic-mathematical modeling of human capital development has been proved, which can be used to predict labor productivity depending on the change of human capital quality factors. A detailed analysis of the system of marketing indicators of development in the organizational culture of an industrial enterprise. It is determined that due to the gradual development of the abilities of employees, the company gets the opportunity to optimally use their potential. There is a lack of an effective system of training and retraining of teachers (masters) of vocational education institutions in Ukraine, where the key problems that do not allow the higher education system of Ukraine to develop and improve the quality of education are the lack of an independent system of higher education and the legal mechanism endowment funds, which in turn limits the potential of universities in attracting additional funds to finance research, modernization, implementation of educational innovations. The authors proved that the development of human capital, introduction of innovative technologies, environmental projects in business processes, organizational culture is possible only if a stable partnership with stakeholders of the machine-building industry in the strategy of socio-economic development of the region and the formation of an effective personnel management system. marketing, which is best adapted to market requirements, which contributes to the capitalization of its own brand and increase competitiveness.
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