Keywords: environmental responsibility, business strategy, natural resources, sustainable use, environmental management


Environmental responsibility in modern business has become a key aspect of sustainable business practice, driven by growing awareness of environmental issues and the need for long-term environmental balance. This article examines the integration of environmental responsibility into modern business strategies with an emphasis on the rational use of natural resources. It highlights the need for companies to apply innovative approaches to minimize resource depletion, reduce environmental degradation and contribute to the achievement of global sustainable development goals. In addition, the article identifies such benefits as improving brand reputation, saving money, complying with regulatory requirements and improving relations with stakeholders. The main approaches to implementing environmental initiatives are analyzed, such as using innovative technologies, conducting environmental audits, involving employees and adhering to international standards. The impact of environmental responsibility on competitiveness, economic efficiency and the formation of a positive image of the company is determined. The article emphasizes the need to integrate environmental strategies into business processes to ensure long-term success and sustainable development of enterprises.


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How to Cite
Brodovych, Y., & Brodovych, V. (2024). ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY IN MODERN BUSINESS: STRATEGIES FOR RATIONAL USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES. Economy and Society, (69). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-69-14