Keywords: stochastic equations, Brownian motion, option pricing, Black-Scholes model, extended Heston model, Cox-Ingersoll-Ross stochastic process, Euler and Milstein schemes


The paper presents a numerical study of the extended Heston model for asset and derivative pricing in financial engineering. Building on the foundational one-dimensional Black-Scholes model, the classical Heston model introduces stochastic volatility through two stochastic differential equations: one describing the dynamics of asset prices and the other governing volatility. The extended Heston model further incorporates the CIR stochastic process to represent the dynamics of the interest rate. The development of multi-dimensional models, such as the extended Heston model, has necessitated the broader application of numerical methods for analyzing stochastic pricing models. Analytical solutions for models involving multiple stochastic equations are often difficult to obtain or may not exist. In the extended Heston model, analytical solutions are known only in the absence of correlation in the Wiener process for the interest rate. These solutions for the conditional probability density of the variable x(t)=ln((S(t))/S_0 ) are used to validate numerical solutions of the model's stochastic equations. The paper employs the Euler and Milstein schemes to numerically analyze the extended Heston model, generating arrays of values for asset prices, volatility, and interest rates. Interpolation methods, based on histogram data, are used to estimate the conditional probability densities of the asset price x(t) under different parameter configurations. Due to the high dimensionality and numerous parameters of the extended Heston model, exploring the full parameter space to study asset price dynamics is a complex task. This study focuses on the influence of the correlation coefficient (ρ_r) of the Wiener process in the interest rate equation on the conditional probability density of asset prices. The findings reveal that, for both positive and negative values of ρ_r, the effect is negligible, resulting in minimal changes to the conditional probability density curve. Consequently, the impact of the stochastic dynamics of interest rates on option pricing is primarily determined by the discount factor, which defines the temporal structure of interest rates within the model.


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DOI: 10.32782/2524-0072/2023-56-98

Fischer Black and Myron Scholes. The pricing of options and corporate li-abilities. Journal of Political Economy, 81(3):637–654, 1973. ISSN 0022-3808. DOI: 10.1086/260062.

F. D. Rouah. The Heston Model and its Extensions in Matlab and C. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA. (2013).

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Javier de Frutos, Victor Gatón. An extension of Heston’s SV model to stochastic interest rates. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 354, 174-182 (2019).

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Farshid Mehrdoust, Idin Noorani, Abdelouahed Hamdi. Two-factor Heston model equipped with regime-switching: American option pricing and model calibration by Levenberg–Marquardt optimization algorithm. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. Vol. 204, P. 660-678 (2023).

Higham D.J. and Mao X., Convergence of monte carlo simulations involving the mean-reverting square root process. Journal of Computational Finance 8(3), 2005, 35–61. ISSN 1460-1559. DOI: 10.21314/JCF.2005.136.

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John C. Cox, Jonathan E. Ingersoll, Jr. and Stephen A. Ross, A theory of the term structure of interest rates. Econometrica 53(2), 1985, 385–407. ISSN 0012-9682. DOI: 10.2307/1911242.

Yuh-Dauh Lyuu. Financial Engineering and Computation: Principles, Mathematics, and Algorithms. Cambridge University Press, 648 p. (2004). ISBN: 9780521781718.

Gatheral J., The volatility surface: A practitioner’s guide. Wiley Finance. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2006. ISBN 9780470068250.

Yanishevskyi V. Solution to extended Heston models in the path integral method. Mathematical Modeling and Computing. (2024) (in print).

Yanishevsʹkyy V.S, Yuts R.YE. Osoblyvosti chyselʹnoho modelyuvannya tsinovoyi dynamiky na osnovi modeli Hestona. Ekonomika ta suspilʹstvo. 2023. No 56. URL:

3038DOI: 10.32782/2524-0072/2023-56-98

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How to Cite
Yanishevskyi, V., & Pelekh, O. (2024). NUMERICAL MODELING OF PRICE DYNAMICS IN THE EXTENDED HESTON MODEL. Economy and Society, (69).