Keywords: strategic HR management, integration, persons with disabilities, inclusive economic development, inclusive environment, labour potential, employment


The article considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of strategic HR management of an enterprise in the context of integration of persons with disabilities. An analysis of strategic human resources management as a key tool for the integration of people with disabilities in accordance with the conditions of inclusive economic development is carried out. The scientific works of Ukrainian scholars on this topic are analysed and the need to transform the methods of personnel management in martial law conditions is proved, since there is an increase in the number of people with disabilities, a decrease in labour potential due to mobilisation and forced migration of specialists from various spheres of economic activity. The article examines the dynamics of changes in the number of persons with disabilities and the main problems and prejudices arising in the process of employment of persons with disabilities in Ukraine. As inclusive development becomes increasingly important for socio-economic progress, the integration of people with disabilities is gaining particular importance in the human resources strategy of Ukrainian enterprises, and the need will only grow in the future, especially in the post-war period. First of all, the problem of employment of people with disabilities is mainly due to the prejudice of employers towards their ability to perform work duties effectively. There are also concerns about their adaptation in the team. This is often due to a lack of understanding among the general public about how to interact with people with disabilities, as well as a lack of willingness to increase tolerance. Such social barriers, together with the lack of technical means to make life easier for people with disabilities, lead to the creation of a separate social group with limited access to public life. At the same time, the European Union has long introduced standards for the design of buildings, roads and other facilities that ensure ease of movement for people with disabilities. The importance of inclusive solutions for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and harmonising the social environment is emphasised. An analysis of international experience is provided and recommendations on the process of integration of persons with disabilities in the context of strategic personnel management of Ukrainian enterprises are proposed.


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