Keywords: agricultural sector, agricultural products, competitiveness, ways to increase competitiveness, competitiveness of agricultural products


The research is devoted to the study of current aspects of competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural products in foreign markets. Agricultural products are the main export products of Ukraine, so their effective distribution to foreign markets is an important factor in the development of the country's economy. The purpose of the study was to investigate the current state of competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural products in foreign markets and to identify the main ways to improve it in the current conditions of a full-scale war. The study first defines the essence of the concepts of ‘competitiveness’ and ‘product competitiveness’. The main features of the competitiveness of agricultural products are clarified. The modern features of competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural products in foreign markets are determined. It is emphasised that in the context of a full-scale war, the competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural products is declining, which may negatively affect the export of Ukrainian agricultural products to international markets in the future. By conducting a SWOT analysis, the article identifies the strengths and weaknesses of Ukrainian agricultural products in foreign markets, and identifies opportunities and threats to improving their competitiveness in the current environment. The research identifies priority areas to improve the competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural products on global markets. This is achieved by improving the competitive advantages of both enterprises and their products in general. The results obtained are of significant scientific and applied value, as they create a basis for further research in the field of competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural products. The practical significance of the work lies in the developed recommendations that can contribute to improving the competitive position of Ukrainian agricultural products. Implementation of these measures will not only strengthen the export potential, but also ensure sustainable growth of Ukrainian enterprises in international markets. Thus, the use of the findings will help strengthen Ukraine's economic position as a leading supplier of high-quality and competitive agricultural products.


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How to Cite
Kvasha, S., Pavlenko, O., & Vakulenko, V. (2024). COMPETITIVENESS OF UKRAINIAN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS IN FOREIGN MARKETS. Economy and Society, (68).